Events Calendar
Cocktails, Dinner & Conversation
February 15, 2025Sacred Heart ChurchCouples married 15 years or less are welcome to join for dinner and easy conversation on topics of family and faith. Free childcare available on site! ...
Southern Tier Men's Breakfast
February 15, 2025Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - EndicottMen of the Southern Tier, join us for a hot breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
February 16, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
February 16, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Re-defining the Power Struggles in Marriage”
February 16, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterDo you ever clash over who gets their own way? Do many arguments end with one person winning and the other losing? Then this workshop is for you! This is a presentation of the “Third Option” marriage program. In this lesson spouses learn how to s ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
February 18, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
February 19, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Theology Uncorked with Padre Amedeo Guida
February 20, 2025Hart's Hill InnWould you like more graces and blessings in your life?Join The Good News Center as we welcome Padre Amedeo Guida to Theology Uncorked. Padre will speak about “Plenary Indulgences” – one of the many treasures of the Catholic Church. Padre will t ...
Cocktails, Dinner, & Conversation
February 22, 2025St. Rose of Lima ChurchCouples married 15 years or less are welcome to join for dinner and easy conversation on topics of family and faith. Free childcare available on site! ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
February 24, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
February 26, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Chicken & Biscuit Dinner--Haiti Benefit
March 1, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's ChurchSt. Michael’s & St. Peter’s Church is holding a Chicken & Biscuit Dinner. Meals include chicken & gravy, biscuit, green beans, coleslaw, cranberry sauce and cookie dessert, $15 per person. All proceeds support meals for children in our twin paris ...
March 1, 2025St. Rose of Lima ChurchCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
Game ON! Trivia4Vocations Returns to SMSP/OLH
March 2, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterGet ready for a fun-filled afternoon of great food, lively music, good company, and ofcourse… TRIVIA! Gather your friends, sharpen your wits, and join us for an unforgettablegame of Trivia – where the competition is fierce, the prizes are sweet, ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
March 2, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
March 2, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Coping with Control Issues in Marriage”
March 2, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterAre there areas of your marriage, perhaps, where you feel out of control? Or where there is a tendency for one or both of you to try to change the other? It doesn’t have to be that way. Come hear solutions to these common dilemmas and watch your ma ...
Vigil For Peace
March 2, 2025St. Charles-St. Ann ChurchA prayer service focused on peace in the world and centers around the rosary prayed in six different languages. The prayer service includes music, scripture, meditations, and reflections on peace. ASL interpreter will sign the entire prayer service w ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
March 4, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
March 5, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
March 5, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Cocktails, Dinner, & Conversation
March 7, 2025Pope John XXIII Roman Catholic ChurchCouples married 15 years or less are welcome to join for dinner and easy conversation on topics of family and faith. Free childcare available on site! ...
Forgive One Another as God has Forgiven You
March 8, 2025Mary, Mother of Our Savior ParishThe Women's Commission is pleased to announce our Lenten Retreats 2025. Join other women of the diocese for spiritual renewal and Lenten inspiration at one of our three retreats. Our theme this year is based on Ephesians 4:32- "And be kind to one a ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
March 10, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
March 12, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
March 12, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Forgive One Another As God has Forgiven You
March 15, 2025St. Vincent de Paul Blessed SacramentThe Women's Commission is pleased to announce our Lenten Retreats 2025. Join other women of the diocese for spiritual renewal and Lenten inspiration at one of our three retreats. Our theme this year is based on Ephesians 4:32- "And be kind to ...
Forgive One Another As God has Forgiven You
March 15, 2025Holy Cross Church - DewittThe Women's Commission is pleased to announce our Lenten Retreats 2025. Join other women of the diocese for spiritual renewal and Lenten inspiration at one of our three retreats. Our theme this year is based on Ephesians 4:32- "And be kind to one a ...
Mass for the Commemoration of St. Patrick
March 15, 2025Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception...
Rite of Candidacy (Permanent Diaconate)
March 15, 2025Pope John XXIII Roman Catholic Church...
Southern Tier Men's Breakfast
March 15, 2025Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - EndicottMen of the Southern Tier, join us for a hot breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
March 16, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
March 16, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Marriage Means Listening Beyond the Words”
March 16, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterMost of us know that good communication is vitally important in marriage. But communication is more than speaking. "Listening" is a critical part of communication! In fact, it is a miracle skill. Come learn how listening skills can truly transform yo ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
March 18, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
March 19, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
March 19, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Finding the One - Formation For Ministry Spring Workshop
March 22, 2025Holy Cross Church - DewittIt’s no secret, the fastest growing population in our Church, sadly, are those who have left the Church. These may include our grown children, a spouse, a parent or grandparent, another relative, or a close friend. No generation has been immune fro ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
March 24, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
March 26, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
March 26, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Passover Seder with Rabbi Stephen Galiley
March 27, 2025The Good News CenterAs a part of our Lenten journey, The Good News Center will be hosting a traditional Messianic Passover Seder.Christians celebrate Jesus’s Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Jesus was celebrating the Passover at that supper. The Passover highlights the H ...
Bishop Grimes presents Mamma Mia!
March 28, 2025Bishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High SchoolBishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High School presents this spring's musical, the Broadway smash hit, "Mamma Mia!" Mamma Mia! is about a young woman searching for her birth father on a Greek island. The musical is based on the songs of ABBA and features many ...
Bishop Grimes presents Mamma Mia!
March 29, 2025Bishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High SchoolBishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High School presents this spring's musical, the Broadway smash hit, "Mamma Mia!" Mamma Mia! is about a young woman searching for her birth father on a Greek island. The musical is based on the songs of ABBA and features many ...
IGNITE Catholic Men's Conference
March 29, 2025Bishop Ludden Jr./Sr. High SchoolThe 2025 IGNITE Conference will be the 16th annual conference. We start the day with Mass with Bishop Lucia, then 3 great speakers: Bear Woznick, Ben Steele, and Father Chase Hilgenbrinck. Included in the registration are the speakers, morning and af ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
March 30, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
March 30, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Appreciating Personality Differences in Marriage”
March 30, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
Diocesan Lenten Mission
March 31, 2025Mary, Mother of Our Savior - UticaAs we journey together through Lent, the Diocese of Syracuse invites you to a special three-night Lenten Mission focused on deepening our Eucharistic faith. Join us for an inspiring series of evenings featuring keynote speaker John Beaulieu, witness ...
Diocesan Lenten Mission
April 1, 2025Holy Cross Church - DewittAs we journey together through Lent, the Diocese of Syracuse invites you to a special three-night Lenten Mission focused on deepening our Eucharistic faith. Join us for an inspiring series of evenings featuring keynote speaker John Beaulieu, witness ...
Diocesan Lenten Mission
April 2, 2025St. Thomas Aquinas ChurchAs we journey together through Lent, the Diocese of Syracuse invites you to a special three-night Lenten Mission focused on deepening our Eucharistic faith. Join us for an inspiring series of evenings featuring keynote speaker John Beaulieu, witness ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
April 2, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
April 2, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
April 5, 2025The Good News CenterCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
April 7, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Lenten faith journey with Fr. Mark Toups Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
April 9, 2025The Good News CenterWalk with Jesus to Jerusalem this Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s journey with a guided Lenten journal for prayer and meditation. It is a journey through his life, inviting you to reflect on hi ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
April 9, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Southern Tier Men's Breakfast
April 12, 2025Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - EndicottMen of the Southern Tier, join us for a hot breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
April 13, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
April 13, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Recognizing Childhood Baggage in Marriage”
April 13, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterLife didn’t start the day we were married! We each come with a history which sometimes impacts our life together in confusing or disruptive ways: We don’t see particular issues or events the same way; certain discussions “push our buttons” or ...
The Light Is On For You
April 14, 2025Parishes throughout the Diocese of Syracuse‘The Light is On For You’ is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Washington and the Diocese of Arlington where Catholic churches across the United States are open for quiet prayer and Confession throughout Lent.The Diocese of Syracuse will be par ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
April 15, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
April 16, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
April 18, 2025Cathedral of the Immaculate ConceptionJoin Bishop Lucia in praying the Stations of the Cross at a service held especially for youth, families, and young adults on Good Friday evening. ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
April 21, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
April 23, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
April 27, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
April 27, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Handling Anger Constructively in Marriage”
April 27, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterEveryone gets angry. The question is what do we do about it? Many Christians, misunderstand anger. This workshop helps us understand what anger is and what it is not; when it is a sin and when it is not. And, yes, participants learn that, when handle ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
April 29, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
April 30, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
May 3, 2025Holy Cross Church - DewittCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Speaking the Truth in Love in Marriage”
May 4, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
May 5, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Mass for Religious Jubilarians
May 6, 2025Immaculate Conception Parish- Fayetteville...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
May 7, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Holy Hour For Vocations with Bishop Lucia
May 12, 2025Cathedral of the Immaculate ConceptionWorld Day of Prayer for Vocations. Holy Hour for Vocations with Bishop Lucia! Gather as a Diocesan family and pray for an outpouring of Vocations for our Diocese. All active members of the Vocation Ministry Teams in our Parishes and Schools are welco ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
May 13, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
May 14, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
May 17, 2025Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception...
Southern Tier Men's Breakfast
May 17, 2025Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - EndicottMen of the Southern Tier, join us for a hot breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
May 18, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
May 18, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Stop Arguing and Start Resolving Conflict in Marriage”
May 18, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
May 19, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
May 21, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
May 27, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
May 28, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
June 1, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
June 1, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Breaking the Hurt Spiral in Marriage”
June 1, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
June 2, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
June 4, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Ordination to the Priesthood
June 7, 2025Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception...
Mass for Priest Jubilarians
June 9, 2025Immaculate Conception Parish- Fayetteville...
Grief Survivors Support Group
June 10, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
June 11, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
June 14, 2025VirtualJoin other engaged couples for a virtual Marriage Preparation class, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for th ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
June 16, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
June 18, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Southern Tier Men's Breakfast
June 21, 2025Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - EndicottMen of the Southern Tier, join us for a hot breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ...
Separated & Divorced Support Group
June 22, 2025The Good News CenterFind help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce.The Separated & Divorced support group is here for you and led by people who have gone through it and know what you are dealing with. This confidential group is FREE and open to anyone tryi ...
The Third Option Marriage Program Utica
June 22, 2025The Good News CenterTrue love isn’t found, it’s built. Learn communication skills such as how to handle anger more constructively, resolve conflicts, and communicate better. Learn from the experience of others on how to improve your relationship and find the joy in ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Practicing Forgiveness in Marriage: The Way We Start Over”
June 22, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterWe know we are called to forgive, but how exactly do we do it? Is it possible to forgive too easily? What if our spouse won’t accept our apology? Come learn the 5 steps to forgiveness, find out where we can get stuck, and discover how we can get un ...
Grief Survivors Support Group
June 24, 2025The Good News CenterThe only people who think there’s a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend you've probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.P ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
June 25, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Middle School Summer Pilgrimage
June 28, 2025Niagara FallsAttend a special summer pilgrimage for middle school students! We will visit Niagara Falls, ride the Maid of the Mist, visit a Marian Shrine, and finish the day with laser tag and dinner at Lasertron.This event is open to youth entering grades 6 th ...
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
June 30, 2025The Good News CenterThe primary goal of PAL is to provide HOPE through education for people dealing with the pain of having an addicted loved one. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a national organization founded in Arizona by a Licensed Independent Substance Abus ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
July 2, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
July 9, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Steubenville Summer Conference
July 11, 2025Franciscan University of SteubenvilleJoin thousands of high school students across the country to have a life changing encounter with Christ at the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference! The weekend is packed with engaging sessions by nationally known presenters, concerts, prayer, and mo ...
Steubenville Summer Conference
July 12, 2025Franciscan University of SteubenvilleJoin thousands of high school students across the country to have a life changing encounter with Christ at the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference! The weekend is packed with engaging sessions by nationally known presenters, concerts, prayer, and mo ...
Steubenville Summer Conference
July 13, 2025Franciscan University of SteubenvilleJoin thousands of high school students across the country to have a life changing encounter with Christ at the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference! The weekend is packed with engaging sessions by nationally known presenters, concerts, prayer, and mo ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Rebuilding Trust in Marriage: It Can Be Done”
July 13, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
July 16, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
July 23, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
July 30, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
August 6, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
August 13, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “The 2 Great Secrets of Happily Married Couples”
August 17, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
August 20, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
August 23, 2025St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ChurchCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
August 27, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
September 3, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Ending the Blame Game in Marriage”
September 7, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
September 10, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
September 13, 2025The Good News CenterCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
September 17, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Understanding Expectations Can Transform Your Marriage”
September 21, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterThe Third Option is an ongoing group program to build better marriages. For some it provides enrichment, for others it helps them move beyond misunderstandings, hurt and difficult issues. This program combines learning new skills with group support a ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
September 24, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Sight & Sound Theatres presentation of Noah hosted by The Good News Center
September 29, 2025The Good News CenterWith a catastrophic storm on its way, Noah is given a monumental task: build a boat big enough to save his family from a flood that will cover the entire earth. As Noah endeavors to live faithfully in the midst of an increasingly chaotic world, can h ...
Sight & Sound Theatres presentation of Noah hosted by The Good News Center
September 30, 2025The Good News CenterWith a catastrophic storm on its way, Noah is given a monumental task: build a boat big enough to save his family from a flood that will cover the entire earth. As Noah endeavors to live faithfully in the midst of an increasingly chaotic world, can h ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
October 1, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Re-defining the Power Struggles in Marriage”
October 5, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterDo you ever clash over who gets their own way? Do many arguments end with one person winning and the other losing? Then this workshop is for you! This is a presentation of the “Third Option” marriage program. In this lesson spouses learn how to s ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
October 8, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
October 15, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Coping with Control Issues in Marriage”
October 19, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterAre there areas of your marriage, perhaps, where you feel out of control? Or where there is a tendency for one or both of you to try to change the other? It doesn’t have to be that way. Come hear solutions to these common dilemmas and watch your ma ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
October 22, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
October 29, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
November 1, 2025Christ the King Retreat HouseCome join other engaged couples for Marriage Preparation, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your future spouse, your faith, and married life. This meets the Pre-Cana requirements for the Sacrament ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Marriage Means Listening Beyond the Words”
November 2, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterMost of us know that good communication is vitally important in marriage. But communication is more than speaking. "Listening" is a critical part of communication! In fact, it is a miracle skill. Come learn how listening skills can truly transform yo ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
November 5, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
November 12, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Appreciating Personality Differences in Marriage”
November 16, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterWhen we are dating we fall in love with our spouse for certain traits. Later those same traits can start to drive us crazy. Come learn how to live with—even appreciate—those annoying personality traits. It is possible! All are welcome and there ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
November 19, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
November 26, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
December 3, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Recognizing Childhood Baggage in Marriage”
December 7, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterLife didn’t start the day we were married! We each come with a history which sometimes impacts our life together in confusing or disruptive ways: We don’t see particular issues or events the same way; certain discussions “push our buttons” or ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
December 10, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Handling Anger Constructively in Marriage”
December 14, 2025St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterEveryone gets angry. The question is what do we do about it? Many Christians, misunderstand anger. This workshop helps us understand what anger is and what it is not; when it is a sin and when it is not. And, yes, participants learn that, when handle ...
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Thaddeus
December 17, 2025Sacred Heart Basilica - SyracusePLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDALAND ST. JUDE THADDEUSWEDNESDAY'S AT 6:00PMSt. Jude, Pray for UsIntention slips are now available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out your request and put it in the box. Your intentions will be ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Speaking the Truth in Love in Marriage”
January 4, 2026St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterWe have probably all heard how important communication is to our marriages. Here is a chance to learn 7 speaking techniques to help you and your spouse talk to each other more honestly yet lovingly. No registration is necessary. You are welcome to ju ...
The Third Option Syracuse: “Stop Arguing and Start Resolving Conflict in Marriage”
January 18, 2026St. Michael/St. Peter's Parish CenterMarried couples just naturally do not agree on everything. The challenge is to learn how to resolve our conflicts rather than let them fester, causing frustration and hurt feelings, or drag on and on. In this workshop, couples learn the secrets to re ...