Finding the One - Formation For Ministry Spring Workshop
It’s no secret, the fastest growing population in our Church, sadly, are those who have left the Church. These may include our grown children, a spouse, a parent or grandparent, another relative, or a close friend. No generation has been immune from this departure.
Let’s turn our sadness into HOPE by taking a deep dive into understanding that God works through everyone - including YOU - to act as His hand, open and outstretched, to meet people where they are, ready to listen to their story, joyfully prepared for an encounter with our sisters and brothers who have left, to welcome them home.
There is no cost for attendees; however, please register in advance by clicking "Get Tickets".
Sponsored by the Office of Adult & Ministerial Formation
Event Location
Holy Cross Church - Dewitt
4112 East Genesee Street
Dewitt, NY 13214
Admission Info
Event Contact
Dc. Jeff Dixe
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