Theology Uncorked with Padre Amedeo Guida
Would you like more graces and blessings in your life?
Join The Good News Center as we welcome Padre Amedeo Guida to Theology Uncorked. Padre will speak about “Plenary Indulgences” – one of the many treasures of the Catholic Church. Padre will touch upon the graces and blessings we receive through plenary indulgences, not only for ourselves but for the deceased.
Padre Amedeo Guida founded the online St. Raphael Ministries to spread the Good News through pilgrimages, retreats, healing masses, missions, and days of recollection. He is currently ministering at St. Joseph and St. Patrick Church in Utica, NY.
Reconnect with your Faith or Connect for the first time...Theology Uncorked is a gathering of conversation for the believers, the curious and the skeptics. Free! Talk, Food and Wine. (First glass of wine is on the House)
Registration is required by Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Please call The Good News Center to reserve your spot Monday through Friday between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. We would greatly appreciate any regrets after registering as we do call in total registration to our venue.
God Bless you and we hope to see you there!
Event Location
Hart's Hill Inn
135 Clinton St
Whitesboro, NY 13492
Admission Info
Event Contact
Debbie Sullivan
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